Monday, January 17, 2005

Shoe Maven
I'm a bit of a shoe maven, having sold shoes for Pappagallo for nearly seven years. I've seen how shoes are made, I know my lasts from my shanks, and I even know what kind of lasts (molds) most companies use. I can tell you all about the different kinds of leathers, how they will wear and how to care for them. But I met my match last week at the Athlete's Foot.

I went in on Thursday to find some walking shoes. I've been having trouble finding sport shoes that fit well. The arch seems to be always too far forward or just non-existent, and my feet just fall inward. When I walked in the store, I was greeted by a smiling lady offering help. I told her I needed a professional fitting and she went to work. My foot was mapped by a computer for pressure points and pronation, and the computer printed out a list of shoes that would be good for me. (Style was not even a consideration. Don't even ask for your favorite style, that's not what its about!!)

The lady brought back 4 pair of perfectly ugly shoes and started putting them on me. The third pair was perfect. I could just feel it. (And it was a size and a half larger than I normally wear!!) Now sure that she might know what she was doing, I admitted to her that I was having some heel trouble that makes it difficult for me to walk in the morning. She nodded her head in understanding and said lots of doctors send patients to her for that problem and she knew all about it. She gave the the diagnosis and the cure, part of which was to wear my new shoes at all times while at home since I have hardwood floors.

Duly impressed, I followed her orders. I'm glad to report that I can already tell a remarkable difference. I have no leg pain when I go to bed at night and I can walk the moment I wake up. It was my floors (well, my lack of shoes)! I should have listened to the Fly Lady long ago!


Blogger Kyndal said...

Send me to this lady. I need her name! I can never find shoes that fit right. As for your heel pain, I think I can diagnose it, too. Plantar Fascia. Am I right??!! I had the same thing and went to a foot doctor who told me the same thing..wear shoes all the time!

6:05 PM, January 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a similar situation in finally buying the right size of BRA. I had no idea what my real size was, and when I discovered it, boy was I shocked! It turns out I'm a brick house. Who knew? (No-one should answer that. I don't want to know.)

What's funny is that the directions for measuring yourself and coming up with the correct size were on the tags of most of the bras in the store. I'd never noticed that before.

Angi L.

8:11 AM, January 19, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a similar situation in finally buying the right size of BRA. I had no idea what my real size was, and when I discovered it, boy was I shocked! It turns out I'm a brick house. Who knew? (No-one should answer that. I don't want to know.)

What's funny is that the directions for measuring yourself and coming up with the correct size were on the tags of most of the bras in the store. I'd never noticed that before.

Angi L.

8:11 AM, January 19, 2005  
Blogger Jan said...

Oh, Ang. Do I ever know about that. My mom took me to my first "fitter" when I was 14, and it was humiliating. I did, however, get a tutorial on all the important aspects of fitting. Unfortunately, only about 2% of the selection fits the way I know it is supposed to fit, so it leads to a tremendous amount of frustration. The best fitting bra out there shows crease marks through my blouses, so I don't really like wearing it. Being a brick house is not all its cracked up to be, but I do love the song.

8:32 AM, January 19, 2005  
Blogger Jan said...

Kyndal, you are correct! We'll talk.

8:33 AM, January 19, 2005  

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